Salford Village Hall
A friendly Cotswold village venue for parties, functions and community activities
The Salford Village Hall is available for regular and one-off bookings.
Hire rates (per hour) - 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2025:
Standard Rate £16
Charity Rate+ £13
Salford Parish Resident – Commercial Hire Rate* £9
Salford Parish Resident – Private Hire Rate** £8
+ For organisations that are registered charities
* Salford Parish residents who hire the hall for commercially run events (e.g., where attendees are charged a fee).
** Salford Parish residents who hire the hall essentially for private functions or activities.
Further discounts for long-term commitment and prepayment are available for standard rate hirers. Please apply to Booking Manager.
Booking one-off events:
All one-off bookings need to be paid in full two weeks before the date of hire together with a £40 damages deposit, returnable after the event if the hall is left clean and undamaged.
Reserving a date in advance (more than two weeks before event): A reservation will be confirmed only after we have received a non-refundable deposit of 25% for the booking (minimum £10). The balance including damages deposit must be paid two weeks before the hire date.
Bookings two weeks or less before event: Full hire and damage deposit payment required before booking can be confirmed. As sometimes transfers can take a few days, please email a screenshot or bank confirmation of payment having been made to booking manager to secure the booking.
Salford Parish residents: We appreciate that circumstances may require flexibility with booking and payment arrangements. Just contact the Booking Manager to discuss your needs.
Payment: either –
Cheque payable to Salford Village Hall
Bank transfer to Sort Code: 20-03-84 / Account no: 83513327
Please email this form to the Bookings Manager: salfordvillagehallevents@gmail.com
See more information, including booking T&Cs, here.
To make a booking enquiry, please check availability for your chosen date(s) on the availability page, and email salfordvillagehallevents@gmail.com or fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.