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The Salford Village Hall is available for regular and one-off bookings.

Hire rates (per hour) - 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2025:  


Standard Rate  £16

Charity Rate+  £13

Salford Parish Resident – Commercial Hire Rate* £9

Salford Parish Resident – Private Hire Rate** £8


+ For organisations that are registered charities

* Salford Parish residents who hire the hall for commercially run events (e.g., where attendees are charged a fee).

** Salford Parish residents who hire the hall essentially for private functions or activities.


Further discounts for long-term commitment and prepayment are available for standard rate hirers. Please apply to Booking Manager.


Booking one-off events:


All one-off bookings need to be paid in full two weeks before the date of hire together with a £40 damages deposit, returnable after the event if the hall is left clean and undamaged.


Reserving a date in advance (more than two weeks before event):  A reservation will be confirmed only after we have received a non-refundable deposit of 25% for the booking (minimum £10). The balance including damages deposit must be paid two weeks before the hire date.


Bookings two weeks or less before event:  Full hire and damage deposit payment required before booking can be confirmed. As sometimes transfers can take a few days, please email a screenshot or bank confirmation of payment having been made to booking manager to secure the booking.


Salford Parish residents:  We appreciate that circumstances may require flexibility with booking and payment arrangements. Just contact the Booking Manager to discuss your needs.


Payment: either –

  • Cheque payable to Salford Village Hall

  • Bank transfer to Sort Code: 20-03-84 / Account no: 83513327

Please email this form to the Bookings Manager:

See more information, including booking T&Cs, here.


To make a booking enquiry, please check availability for your chosen date(s) on the availability page, and email or fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Request received, thank you. We will be in touch shortly

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